More Beach Poem and Beach Quote Submissions

Thank you to all visitors who have help to create this beach poem page including original and attributed poetry and quote submissions. The original beach quote page was getting very long. We have decided to create this continued page with submissions from visitors. Beach reviews, beach stories, and beach wedding photos have been organized onto other pages to make finding what you want a little easier.

Short submissions will be published on this page but longer submissions may be moved to their own highlighted page. If you have photos or longer stories to share please use the link at in the right navigation bar.

I also encourage you to use the easy share buttons at the bottom of this page to post on Facebook, Twitter or other social media sites.

You wake me up in the morning,
You put me to sleep at night,
Beach, I think you are my second mum...


A true friend is like a beach.

It never leaves the shore.


The waves wash across the sandy shore

And no longer is my life a bore.


"Life is a beach and I'm just playing in the sand."

~Lil’ Wayne

Feeling the breeze of the sea,

brings back the feeling of freedom to me.

~Anna Stone, Myrtle Beach, SC

The feeling of the wind, whisping through my hair, and the sand, warm on my toes, is what lets me know I am home. Home to the place of love. The Beach. My Beach.

~Abigail, Outer Banks, NC (and NJ, USA)

Submit your own Beach Quotes

If you have a short beach quote or a few short lines of beach poetry please submit those here for publication. If you have a longer story to share or a beach review please use the link at the top right. Thanks for sharing!

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Beach Quotes Submissions by Visitors

This page has been built by visitors to

Thank you for your contribution.

The Beach. Not rated yet
"The beach is so bright and full of life, but yet I fall asleep in my chair and when I wake up I have darkened."

The Beach Not rated yet
LIFE is a BEACH and we're all just playing in the SAND

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